Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chessman crackers

So, I swear my dad calls me in the living room like every 5 minutes making it sound like the most urgent thing just occurred. "AILEEN, come here now!" So I walk over to the living room and he holds out a chessman cracker, with vanilla ice cream on top.

I swear he's like a mad scientist when it comes to food because it was freaking delicious! Well, I think that's about it for today. (:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog numbah one!

Hmm, this is my first blog.
I've officially abandoned xanga.

Today's been an extremely rainy day. Stormy weather is my favorite! I've come to notice that we excessively base our moods off of weather or music. I find it kind of ridiculous. Who says that because the weather is gloomy that we have to be? Anyways, I've been expressing my love for this weather all day until my neighbor's massive Willow Tree snapped, crushed the fence, and fell over to our backyard.

Seasons are like mini paradigm shifts for me; my perspective on life changes according to the seasons. Like today, I realized it was winter and thought 'hey, I really need to get over some things in my life right now and I need to learn to thank God and the people around me more often.' Random thought: I'm really excited for Christmas right now! Aren't you? No lie, I've already made a Christmas list and I'm trying really hard to save up because my list is really long this year. I don't have school tomorrow because the rest of my high school are taking psats and Seniors don't need to. WHOA, I'm a Senior; that's really hard to believe. I just wanna say one last haphazard thing: If you're not in my life, that's because you're not meeting me halfway.

This is perfect Uggs, Starbucks, and hot chocolate weather<3>